Tax return preparation and other tax compliance services constitute an essential part of our practice. Tax returns prepared by our firm are processed by computers in our office which helps us provide timely service as well as ensuring a high level of computational accuracy and professional appearance.
The returns are subjected to several levels of review by tax specialists, both for completeness and accuracy.
As a firm, we strive to provide our clients with the most up-to-date tax information. Our tax research library includes a wide variety of reference materials including online services and cd-rom research tools. We become aware of changes in IRS regulations, tax court rulings and private letter rulings as soon as they are available.
We start with a review of your prior tax returns and then complete an in-depth tax checklist to make sure we understand the past as well as what you want the future to look like.
Click here to download our current “2024 Tax Organizer”
Consulting | Accounting & Finance Consulting | Tax Planning | Tax Returns